Your contribution matters!

It is also possible to support us financially. This applies to members who want to make an extra contribution as well as to everyone who cares about Fryslân and the FNP. A contribution can be transferred directly to our bank account NL21 RABO 0305 0145 28 (BIC: RABONL2U) in the name of the FNP in Leeuwarden.

Any contribution from €10 is very welcome.

Your contribution can be submitted as a gift in your Dutch tax return.

The FNP is an ANBI (“Algemene Nut Beogende Instelling”).

Donations above €4,500 are made public in our annual accounts based on the guidelines of the Ministry of the Interior.

De FNP is ANBI certified

About your donation to the FNP

It is for the taxpayer, members and supporters that we provide insight into the functioning of our ANBI certification.

This is about information that is considered important for transparency and accountability of matters related to finances.

Under file number 16180, the FNP is registered with the tax authorities as of 1-1-2008 as a General Purpose Institution (“Algemien Nut Beëagjende Ynstelling”).

When you enter “feriening Fryske Nasjonale Partij” established in “Leeuwarden” on the ANBI page on, the ANBI certification is confirmed.