“Free to live where you want”
Housing is a fundamental right
Around 15,000 houses need to be built in Fryslân in the coming years, to support so-called autonomous growth – the growth of the existing population. We see that the Frisian population in general is ageing, but we also see that especially younger people are finding it hard to find a place to call home. House prices have gone through the roof, the housing market is under pressure, and the fiscal system also affects the availability of affordable housing. In 2021, the FNP introduced its Housing Plan (Oanfalsplan Wenjen). In this plan, we indicate that people who have social-economic ties with an area should be given priority, that the proliferation of holiday homes has to be stopped and that opportunities to keep new housing affordable have to be examined. Young people in Fryslân deserve our support. At the moment, our local divisions are working hard on getting the plan implemented in the various municipalities. For the FNP, the Housing Plan primarily means that we want to build affordable housing where the local communities are asking for it.
No large-scale housing projects
Our Housing Plan is also leading on a provincial level. There are parties who want to build up to 60,000 houses in Fryslân, mainly in the south-east of the province. These are the numbers we hear and read in relation to the so-called Delta Plan for the North (Deltaplan voor het Noorden). The FNP is against this delta plan, as we feel it would be detrimental at a social and economic level, and destroy the unique scale and character of Fryslân, with its 11 cities, regional communal centres, and more than 400 villages.
In collaboration with the Frisian municipalities, we want to develop a plan giving all villages and towns in Fryslân the opportunity to add housing in a way that suits their nature, scale and character. By building houses according to that plan, the existing structure can be retained, while allowing people to return home and follow their heart. For some towns, that would mean building at most 5 houses, while transition zones such as the railway station area in Leeuwarden would provide room for a lot more housing. It is up to the municipalities to take the next step. They know what the local wishes and requirements of their community are. The FNP prefers ‘inpansion’ above expansion. We are and remain very critical of housing plans in rural areas, including the realisation of (expensive) holiday colonies. Cities like Hylpen/Hindeloopen, Starum/Staveren and Sleat/Sloten are already suffering due to the large number of second homes. Housing is a fundamental right.
Cradle-to-grave living
We know that people are staying and want to remain living in their own home for longer. This is also one of the basic principles of our social care system. Demographic ageing is a development that has to be taken into account when realising housing projects. Even though, in principle, the Province cannot decide on the type of housing to be built, they are one of the parties at the table, with municipalities and other parties that decide on housing projects. We want to introduce a booster fund to further develop the Frisian concept of courtyard housing (hofkes). This allows for the concentration of (social) care services and makes optimal use of the strengths of the community, enabling people in the countryside to continue living in their own surroundings. An additional advantage of that system is that it promotes people that have to move to a smaller dwelling to move locally, creating room for young people and families that need bigger houses. Most of those houses are already there.
Access to quality healthcare is also essential to ensure that people can continue to stay in the area where they have lived all their lives. This means that availability in the region of basic services such as acute care has to be supported. Not only because of the medical risks and discomfort of long travel times to hospitals, but also to ensure better and efficient healthcare, that is in line with what the community needs and adds to what the community can provide for itself.
“Our landscape – our space – our gold”
Nature and agriculture cannot live without one another
Let us be clear from the start: For the FNP, nature and agriculture go hand in hand. The last few years have been quite turbulent. For the FNP, the priority is that Fryslân has to remain the agricultural province of the Netherlands. However, we do not close our eyes to the developments and changes all around us. The agricultural sector plays an essential role in our community, for our people, but also for biodiversity, nature and the landscape. And the sector has even closer ties to the local communities. Farmers provide the tractors that pull the floats at the annual village fête, and help collect paper for the local music band. That is an interrelationship we have to cherish.
In 2019, it was the FNP that foresaw problems in this area and that pleaded for changes. Changes not based on coercion, but on voluntariness. Fryslân wants to lead the way: ‘Allow the farmer to be a winner again.’ We have seen the agricultural sector getting bogged down by a system of maximisation and regulations. The FNP already started developing a plan for a more extensive sector (with a circular, biodynamic and land-based agricultural system) based on a sound revenue model. We want to continue supporting that plan, but obviously, it is up to the farmers themselves how to run their business. Where provincial land is concerned, the Province gets to make the decisions on its use now and in the future. Conditions can be set on how the land that is leased out to farmers can be used.
The role of consumers and the community
This also requires changes on the part of the consumer, the financial sector and mediators. Products have be priced in such a way to reflect their value. With shorter lines from farm to fork. We see that consumers are making more conscious decisions and that more farmers have a second line of income, for instance with a farm shop. We want to allow maximum room for farmers to develop that second or third line of income. Examples are farm recreation – that can also boost the quality of life in countryside communities -accessible care facilities, energy generation and maybe the most important of all: the generation of ecological value and biodiversity, which helps conserve and preserve the landscape. Within the Provincial Executive, the FNP wants to be a trailblazer, bringing producers of Frisian products into contact with purchasing organisations of large companies and institutions. Being proud of your own products is one thing, but actually getting them out there can make a difference.
Fryslân: front runner in agricultural nature conservation
In addition to conservation of the landscape that is so typical for Fryslân, a healthy soil, clean water and biodiversity are basic principles for agricultural nature conservation for the FNP. It is important to emphasise that Frisian farmers are at the forefront of this trend already. The FNP is very proud of the great strides farmers have already made with their agricultural nature and landscape conservation methods (Agrarisch Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer, or ANLb), a form of environmentally sustainable farming where part of the farming business consists of landscape and nature conservation activities. The Province will have to enter into a strong dialogue with Europe and the national government about how to further stimulate the work that is done by the Kollektiven Beried Fryslân (Collective Committee) and the affiliated collectives and agricultural nature organisations. European funding is important to safeguard and expand, amongst other things, godwit preservation areas, hedgerows and alder groves for farmland birds. We have already seen positive results on the West Frisian islands, the north-west (Bouhoeke), the south-west (Greidhoeke) and also the mid-south areas (Feangreide), and also in the woodland area bordering the province of Drenthe (Drintsk-Fryske Wâld).
Combating nitrogen pollution and improving water quality
The FNP supports the Frisian plan to combat nitrogen pollution. We are of the opinion that there are some goods examples and projects carried out in our province already. One example is the voluntary emission reduction on the island of Schiermonnikoog. Companies who have already made the transition should not be negatively affected by the new plans. As part of processes in place we have to work together to achieve the targets that have been set. And that also requires trust. No forced dispossessions because of the nitrogen-reduction measures. Other sectors, such as construction, traffic, industry and aviation – and of course our residents – will have to take responsibility. Nitrogen reduction is not the only challenge we are facing; water quality is also a priority. Clean water, water retention in periods of drought, and combating salinisation, are part of this water plan. We promote the phasing out of pesticides and, at the same time, the introduction of alternatives. The FNP wants to prevent the constant introduction of new and more difficult rules and regulations. We have to make sure that we have good schemes and systems in place, so that everyone knows what to expect and to ensure that Fryslân remains the agricultural province of the Netherlands.
Fryslân – the land of the farmland birds
We want to continue the program for the protection of our farmland birds and increase biodiversity. The Netherlands Nature Network has to be completed. The farmland bird protection partners that are part of this subsidised network will be offered one free upskilling course per contract period. We have to work together to ensure that Fryslân preserves and, where possible, increases the farmland bird population (lapwings, godwits etc.).
The FNP also has attention for the cultural-historical elements in our landscape. Hedgerows and alder groves, and other landscape elements, tell the story of our past. Once they are gone, it will be hard to reintroduce them again. Therefore, the FNP wants to introduce subsidies to make these important elements that have disappeared visible again in the landscape. The FNP also wants to further develop a biodiversity restoration plan with the other Frisian authorities. We want to keep a healthy relationship with our nature conversation and preservation organisations that receive provincial funding. They are the ones that, together with the agricultural sector, protect our nature. After-care workers are of course also very important, and after-care has become part of the immaterial heritage for a reason in 2022.
Nature conservation
In the most utopian scenario, nature can retain a good balance all by itself. However, in a landscape like the one we have in Fryslân, nature sometimes needs a helping hand. That helping hand is required in the preservation of our woodlands and in maintaining a good population balance for some animals. In some cases, the hunting of predators and other animals that can cause a lot of damage must be allowed. For some plants, the same applies; active control is required, for instance to combat swam stonecrop (Crassula helmsii), giant hogweed or other invasive introduced species, as they harm the local biodiversity. We also want to continue and expand the number of pilots combating stone martens. We want to keep the current predator policy in place, with customisation where necessary.
Since 2018, we have seen more wolves in Fryslân, and since the summer of 2022 wolf packs have formed along the border with Drenthe. Some people see the wolf as a mighty animal; for others it is a veritable nightmare. The FNP wants to set up a lobby to ensure the protection status of wolves is lowered. Currently, the animal receives maximum protection at a European, and therefore also a national, level. Like some federal states in Germany and the Alpine countries, the FNP wants to have more opportunities to take action in excessive situations. It will be difficult to stop the wolf from coming here; we cannot simply fence off the entire province. The FNP also wants the existing prevention scheme to apply for entire province; life-stock farmers who want to protect their cattle, must be given both the opportunity and support to do so. With more and more wolves coming from Germany, this will become a necessity as well.
Economy and employment
In Fryslân, as in society as a whole, we are faced with a labour shortage. In the coming years, this will result in a lack of primarily skilled workers. Because of demographic ageing, DUO (the Education Executive) foresees that 10 years from now, the number of skilled workers will reduce by another 15%. We see this shortage all over the country. With the huge transitions in the fields of energy and climate that we are faced with, the demand for skilled workers will only increase. That means that we need a change in how we look at work. Fryslân is the Province of Vocational Education. According to the Frisian Social Planning Agency, 7 out of 10 young people with a vocational diploma enter the professional field. We have a great need of their skills, and they deserve our appreciation.
World-renowned workers
For too long, the focus has been on higher and university education. However, we are now seeing a trend break. The people with the “golden hands” are the ones who are the winners in the current economic climate. Fryslân has a strong network of SMEs. And especially because the companies here are smaller, they have a closer connection with their staff and their customers. The quality and work ethic of the Frisian skilled workers is renowned the world over.
That means that we need a higher appreciation for practical, vocational education. The Friese Poort and the Friesland College are planning to merge on 1 January 2023. We want to support this new educational institute in its efforts to present itself as the school for practical education. Fryslân wants to be the Province of Practical Skills. That is where we see a role for the Provincial Executive. We want to improve the visibility of crafts and skills in the coming years. For too long, the policy has been to hide away these businesses on an industrial estate. We want this skilled work and this industry to become visible again and be part of the “high street”. Working in this industry has to be interesting and attractive. In addition, the FNP wants to strengthen the partnership between education and business, to create more structural collaborations. Good examples of such collaborations can be seen at the Ulbe van Houten school in Sint-Anne/Sint-Annaparochie and the Technasium in Frentsjer/Franeker. The Province will have to boost the dialogue to realise a sustainable future.
Working in Fryslân
A lot of people and organisations are working hard to train and find skilled workers. However, there is no cohesion between these initiatives. What is required, is a central agency that supports the search for skilled workers in Fryslân. This can be a part of the Fryslân Werkt program. For:
The partners are: companies, municipalities, schools and the UWV job centre. For the FNP it is important to pay attention to smaller businesses, who do not have a lot of time and or a HR department to find new personnel, and have no money to offer signing bonuses.
The objectives of Fryslân Werkt can be expanded, for instance with managing the relationships with the Province and organising meetings and activities. All this can promote the dialogue about a sustainable future.
App for standby workers
In the coming period, the FNP wants to focus on the development of a Frisian market place/app for (retired) skilled workers and care workers. In collaboration with the business industry and other Frisian authorities, we want to set up a platform to connect people and companies who have job vacancies. This will create a large pool of standby care, skilled and craft workers. This can relieve the pressure in various sectors, such as hospitality, and meet demand at peak times.
Ljouwert, a grown-up college town
the FNP is proud of Ljouwert/Leeuwarden. We have seen the city become a proper college town in recent years. With NHL/Stenden, Van Hall-Larenstein, the water campus of Wetsus, the RUG Campus Fryslân and various vocational schools, the city has more students than ever before. We want to expand this development, together with the Municipality of Ljouwert.
Fryslân as a special destination
Fryslân has a strong recreational industry, with international appeal. As far as the FNP is concerned, we want to invest in sustainability and attract visitors who come here because they appreciate the beauty of Fryslân. Especially during the COVID pandemic, we saw a lot of other tourists visit Fryslân. However, Fryslân and our islands are no Ibiza, and we don’t have to be a tourist trap. We want to invest in the core qualities of Fryslân: space, views and tranquillity, in combination with bustling towns and cities. Countryside tourism and world-class water sports, on and around our lakes, in the Wadden area, and on the island, or in the forests of Gaasterlân/Gaasterland and the Fryske Wâlden/Friese Wouden. The Province plays a supportive and also stimulating role in this respect. We want to see further integration of the history of Fryslân and its rich culture. It is a distinctive and discerning element, and interesting for our guests.
The FNP however also sees a development where people who are on a small budget are driven out of the parks and areas where they used to spend their vacations. The Province does not determine how entrepreneurs run their business, but in the coming years, there must be more attention to keeping Fryslân accessible for everyone. In that context, the FNP remains critical of the expansion of larger holiday parks and resorts. There also has to be special attention for the Wadden islands. The concept of ‘off-peak tourism’ no longer exists. This means that staff, business and nature on the islands are under constant pressure. We want to organise a large international conference on one of the islands in the coming period, to discuss the issue of sustainable tourism. How can we realise a sustainable balance between economy, quality of life and ecology? Finding an answer to this question is becoming more and more urgent.
Our cultural heritage is all around us. In our museums, historical city centres and rural areas, for instance the distinctive Frisian farms and the Frisian gully landscape. But there are still lots of treasures buried in the ground and under water that can tell us more about our past. Our immaterial heritage, our traditions, rituals and stories tell us more about where we come from, who we are and how we have grown and changed as a people. The FNP wants to protect this cultural heritage, but also enable new developments. Cultural heritage is at the heart of our society, offers opportunities and connects people. It also contributes to the quality of the landscape and the living environment. It is part of our identity. The story of Fryslân, with its rich history and culture, is a discerning element which is interesting for our own residents and for our guests.
“Culture keeps the community together”
Culture is important for the FNP; it is made possible by people or communities that work together, that share a passion. Culture is such an integral part of our daily lives that we hardly realise that it is there. Our culture is reflected in sport, heritage, economy and our way of life. It brings people together, gets people talking, also about the bigger challenges in today’s world.
However, we will have to make choices when it comes to culture. The current culture policy (Nij Poadium) is coming to an end. The FNP wants to commit to two tracks. The first is a more robust basic infrastructure. This means that museums, open-air plays, music bands, theatre and events that tell and pass on the story of Fryslân must be able to rely on Provincial funding. The second track is about equal opportunities.
In that light, there has to be a clear subsidy scheme, implemented by the Quality of Life office. The number of visitors or participants, the relationship with Fryslân, its history, language or (regional) talents; those are all factors that should be the basis for the amount of the funding granted. This way, the entire cultural field in Fryslân will be given the same opportunities: From the Veenhoop Festival to Welcome to the Village.
One special initiative to mention is Arcadia/LF2028. The work carried out in the run-up to 2018, the year in which Leeuwarden was European Capital of Culture, and in the context of the Arcadia projects, deserves huge praise. We want involve the organisation in the further development of the new culture policy. The talent we see in Fryslân has to be kept on board, and deserves a future-proof story and equal opportunities. The FNP also wants to set up a Frisian Culture Fund (Frysk Kultuer Fûns), to support home-grown, local talent. Young people should be given the opportunity and time to develop their talents. The past few years, we have seen that the sector is under huge pressure. We have seen that people working in the culture sector found it hard to make ends meet. We feel that all things vulnerable deserve our protection.
Control of funding
The FNP is of the opinion that the Province has to be in control of how cultural funding is distributed; this is now decided on a national or European level. The Province is in the best position to set priorities when it comes to who is eligible for funding; it should be in control. Until then, the Province should provide support to organisers and organisations applying for national or European funding. When robust applications are submitted, Fryslân should be able to attract more money for projects in Fryslân. This requires a lot of ambition and drive.
The Province of languages
Fryslân is a multilingual province. In addition to standard Frysk, we have of course residents who speak Dutch, Biltsk/Bilts, Stellingwarfs/Stellingwerfs and other local languages and dialects, as well as various variants of Stedsfrysk (city dialects), the languages spoken on the islands and Súd-Lauwerlânsk/Zuid-Lauwerlands. The FNP insists that the Frisian Language Plan (Taalplan Frysk) is implemented by 2030. The time that people grew up illiterate in their mother tongue, in the language of the heart, has to be a time of the past. However, there is a lot of work still to be done. With our partners in the field, the Province is well on the way to achieve the targets for 2030; and that deserves all our support in the years to come, and our continued support after that. The FNP wants a provincial educational inspectorate, with the authority at all levels of education, that can check whether the school profiles are not only offered, but also actually implemented. We see that national politics does not pay enough attention to the Frisian language, compared to the priorities given to other educational subjects. This has to change. In addition, we want new Administrative Agreements on the Frisian Language and Culture between the Province of Fryslân and the state, with attention for our history in the curriculum.
Frisian? Quite normal, but actually very special as well
The FNP wants to actively make work of the visibility of Frisian and other (local) languages. An annual budget of €350,000 is available for language visibility in 2023 and 2024. The FNP wants to increase that budget, and make the funding structural for the coming period (of four years). Municipalities must be given support to develop robust language policy plans, and the constant battle for funding has to end. We can and should be proud of our language and culture – and money should not be an obstacle. That is why the FNP wants to appoint a language coordinator for Frisian SMEs. Language has huge economic value. It is a distinctive factor and especially interesting for the tourism sector. This has to be promoted, and that is why the FNP feels that the Province must set an example. For all provincial communications, and communications funded by the Province, the Frisian version, or version in the local language or dialect, must be given pride of place.
Fryslân also looks abroad for best practices and good examples, for instance in Wales. We see possibilities for Fryslân to be a trail blazer in respect of other language in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. To make this a reality, we want to enter into structural collaborations with areas where other language are spoken, especially with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.
Equality of local (regional) languages
The local languages of Biltsk/Bilts and Stellingwarfs/Stellingwerfs, deserve a special mention. The Province has a responsibility towards these special languages spoken in our province. The organisations who advocate these languages, Bildts Aigene and De Stellingswarver Schrieversronte, should be able to count on structural funding for this period via their respective municipalities.
The FNP also wants to continue support for the language gifts for new-borns, consolidate the relationships with Omrop Fryslân, Tresoar, the Fryske Akademy and Afûk, and preserve the Frisian chair at the University of Groningen.
Community policy as a prerequisite for comfortable living
Fryslân is a big but close-knit community. For years, research has been showing that the residents of Fryslân are some of the happiest people in the Netherlands. This is because of the way we live together, the way our social infrastructure works. We have an open, welcoming community, that respects other cultures and ways of life. The FNP wants to support newcomers, so that they can also contribute to and become a part of the Frisian community and culture. The past few years, the FNP has advanced the investment of millions of euros in community projects. For instance, almost every village now has a decent meeting centre or community centre. We see that the Province’s Open Community Fund (Iepen Mienskipsfûns) has provided a huge boost in this respect. This is something we want to advance even more. It is that connection between people that makes a community, that makes life good.
A Youth Delegate
The FNP also wants a special Youth Delegate to be appointed in the Provincial Executive. Young people and young families should be given the opportunity to return to their motherland. Everyone should have the opportunity to become a resident of Fryslân and to become Frisian.
In addition, the FNP wants to promote local initiatives in villages and towns to become attractive for young people. We want an accessible subsidy scheme for small-scale initiatives and small businesses. This scheme can stimulate activities that improve the quality of life and generate more activity in villages. These can include bootcamps, sup academies, personal training etc.
Quality of Life office – The centre of the community
According to the FNP it is time to take the next step. In the coming years, the FNP wants to create a province-wide Quality of Life office (Leefberens Loket). In Fryslân, we have a large number of organisations that work hard to support the Frisian community, such as Doarpswurk, Keunstwurk, Sport Fryslân and Fryslân Pop. They have a lot of knowledge and know-how that we cannot let go to waste. In the coming years, we want to create one central collaborative organisation that gathers and safeguards all that knowledge and know-how. This should make it a lot easier for residents, businesses and other organisations to set up projects or find answers to questions. Shorter lines, with everything under one roof; with the objective of safeguarding a sustainable future for those organisations.
With our provincial events policy, we want to help organisations that apply for permits find their way around the current nature conservation rules and other regulations. People organising cultural activities, sports events or village fêtes, and local associations deserve our support. Sometimes, the bureaucratic system is hard to fathom and procedures can be infuriating; that has to change. We have to remove the fear of legal reprisals, and focus on acting in the spirit of the law.
The FNP also wants a maintenance fund for town halls, community centres and other meeting places. This fund has to be filled in collaboration with the municipalities. Making those buildings sustainable is part of that process.
One other aspect the FNP is concerned about, is the number of volunteers. The Quality of Life office can provide support in this field, by offering meeting places a good and modern organisational structure. This will give the meeting centres more status. It can, for instance, also be a place where residents can go to work or study. It has to play a more central role in a community or village, also during the day. This requires high-speed internet (fibre-optic) everywhere in Fryslân. It is our ambition to double the opening hours of community centres and meeting places in Fryslân by 2024 compared to 2022.
Focus on the community to boost social life
As a final point, we want to set up a campaign to raise awareness of the detrimental effects of the modern hectic economy and society. In Fryslân, we are also seeing more and more fast delivery services popping up. In some places, they can improve the quality of life, but the FNP wants to remain loyal to local entrepreneurs. The campaign will focus on buying local and on supporting local businesses, who are the ones who make associations, clubs and cultural activities possible through sponsorship. In these hectic times, when everything has to be fast and immediate, this deserves more attention and appreciation.
The country of top sport!
With the Dutch speed skating temple (Thialf), a beautiful ice rink in Leeuwarden (Alvestêdehal/Elfstedenhal), two professional football clubs (SC Cambuur and SC Heerenveen), the oldest sports competition in the country (de PC in Franeker) and our own sports (especially kaatsen, fierljeppen and skûtsjesilen), Fryslân is an extraordinary place. In most cases, the Provincial Executive plays a hands-off role. However, where the Frisian sports are concerned, it does have a responsibility in the eyes of the FNP.
The time that the Province attracts expensive cycling events to Fryslân is in the past. The FNP wants that money to be used to strengthen our Frisian sports and sport infrastructure.
Free sports for a year for children
The FNP wants these sports to be given a bigger role in the curriculum in the coming years. In addition, the FNP wants to set up a fund to enable our youngest citizens to join a local sports club for a year at no cost when they turn seven. In collaboration with Frisian sports organisations, the FNP wants to develop a program to use athletes as ambassadors and have them visit primary and secondary schools to boost youth membership and enthusiasms about sports.
“An autonomous energy policy”
Fryslân is famous for being a spacious province, with grand and panoramic vistas. But also for its ecological diversity. From the fertile clay along the Wadden coast, the forest and woodlands of Gaasterlân/Gaasterland and the Fryske Wâlden/Friese Wouden, to the cattle pastures in the Greidhoeke and our Frisian lakes. The FNP has been proactive in halting the realisation of large wind parks and high wind turbines in the countryside. We have also been able to put a stop to the proliferation of solar parks in the past four years. With regard to the Frisian regional energy strategy (RES), we have focused on regional consumption. We are continuing to follow that strategy, but we are not deaf and blind to the developments in the world around us, also developments on a global scale. We see that more and more people are having trouble paying their energy bills. We see how dependent we have become on foreign gas, and that the transition away from fossil fuel is necessary. The FNP wants to become autonomous in meeting our own energy needs with time, but also retain a smart balance between energy generation and a beautiful landscape. That landscape is one of the things that makes us unique.
We stand by the current provincial policy on wind parks and PV installations. The FNP also wants to invest in new technologies, such as aquathermy, geothermy, hydrogen, green gas and ‘blue energy’. We also want more federalist solutions for the challenges we are faced with. This means that we don’t want to national government to intervene, but do things our way. Carefully and meticulously, with attention for the environment. To become autonomous in meeting our energy needs, in the coming months, we want to enter into agreements with municipal authorities that have far-reaching plans to provide in their own needs, for instance the municipality of Waadhoeke. We are looking for (brown)land that cannot be used for other purposes and are positive about plans that can contribute towards our targets and objectives. With support from the local communities, custom solutions can also be implemented. Such plans have to be integrated in the landscape, and the revenues must revert back to those communities.
In short: we do not want the transition taken over by the big boys, but want to focus on local ownership, where necessary in collaboration with large companies. This has to be done in such a way that it is in line with the nature, scale and character of the community and environment. With a robust network that follows trends and developments. Of course, the premise is that you don’t have to generate what you don’t consume. In this energy policy, the Province will continue to play a supportive role in the relationship with municipalities and energy cooperations.
The roads in Fryslân are good, and in the coming years, no large maintenance work is required. That is why the FNP is not in favour of a new road between Snits/Sneek and Ljouwert/Leeuwarden. With the exception of some adjustments here and there to improve road safety, we do not foresee large projects for the coming 4-year period. With regard to waterways, the bridges over the Prinses Margrietkanaal has to be modernised by Rijkswaterstaat. New, large waterways are not necessary in Fryslân. The return on investments of such large, expensive project is too low, and they have a negative impact on our landscape. We also want to ensure good accessibility of our islands.
The costs of the Lelyline for the landscape do not outweigh the benefits
Another huge project that is being considered, and that is receiving ever more political momentum, is the so-called Lelyline. This fast railway connects the cities in the Randstad, the North of the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. Fryslân deserves good railway connections, but the costs for the landscape and the related large-scale housing projects mean that the FNP is not in favour of the plans. We feel we have to base our actions on what Fryslân actually needs. For that reason, the FNP is against a fast railway connection under the current conditions.
Future-proof public transport infrastructure
New mobility, and primarily public transport, will require substantive review in the coming years. Without substantial extra funding by the State for public transport, as a matter of general interest, it will be impossible to keep all current bus lines on the road. The FNP wants to keep towns and villages accessible, to safeguard the quality of life in the countryside, and wants to invest in a reliable and robust network of primary connections. All towns and villages in Fryslân must be connected to this primary network in some form. With the emergence of the e-bike, shorter distances are easier to bridge than before. That also means that we need good bicycle parking and more charging points. This network will have to be set up in collaboration with the municipalities. For those people who are less mobile, we have to offer possibilities to get to the primary network. In the future, the idea is to no longer have big empty buses on the road, but offer more custom travel solutions. With a robust system, and a new vision on mobility, access to public transport and quality of life will be guaranteed.
Nationally, we are seeing a (renewed) discussion about road pricing. For the FNP, it is clear that the distances that people in Fryslân (have to) travel, are generally longer, and that there are fewer reliable alternatives compared to the west of the country. This means that we feel residents of Fryslân should not be the victim of a new system.